3D Scanning
From the real world to the digital 3D model with the most advanced and complete technology
Fast and versatile
3D scanners
SolidWorld Middle East offers a wide range of fast, versatile, accurate, easy-to-use and reliable optical 3D scanners. Optical 3D scanners are revolutionizing the world of production, as they allow to digitize even very complex objects, without contact and in an incredibly fast and precise way.
Through 3D scanning it is possible the three-dimensional acquisition of the surfaces of a physical object aimed at the generation of the CAD model, essential to detect the 3D shape of the component that you do not have CAD file of the object, with a significant reduction in costs and time for the development of increasingly innovative products.
For series production, however, the CAD model will be indispensable and the process of Reverse Engineering meets this need.
When 3D scanning is essential
3D scanning is essential to detect the 3D shape of the component that you do not have the CAD file. 3D Scan technology can also be used for the digital acquisition of the surfaces of an object aimed at geometric comparison with the nominal model.
This process allows to obtain the dimensional certification with the objective of Quality Control of the object itself.
Reverse Engineering
With Reverse Engineering process and advanced technological hardware and software, our Application Engineers can identify the properties of a physical object and obtain the 3D model from the actual object. 3D scanners have portable technology, to operate on customer’s site ensuring total confidentiality.
Discover our 3D Scanners
Hexagon 3D scanners meet the most demanding industrial applications and stringent confidentiality requirements.