Core Values

The Digital Factory for us is synonymous with modernity and sustainability

A complete and integrated solution for smart manufacturing

What distinguishes SolidWorld Middle East is first the approach: we think that proximity to the customer is a key factor in the training and management process. Only in this way can we implement integrated Smart Manufacturing solutions tailored to the peculiarities of each individual company.


Our strengths


Technological Leadership

Leading position in the integration of digital 3D technology for industries. Main 3D Digital System Integrator in the implementation of Industry 4.0, providing a complete and customized system with integrated and interconnected technologies.


Unique Partner for innovation

It supports its customers with the best Reverse Engineering, with 3D printers and professional scanners of the best international brands and with an Additive Manufacturing activity to produce prototypes and small series.


Solutions on Premise

The proposed solutions are addressed to production departments of industrial realities and can be provided both on premisedepending on the customer’s technological infrastructure.


Portfolio Certifications

Relevant in both public and private. Certification is an extremely complex and necessary operation to work in technologically demanding industries.


Valuable partnerships

SolidWorld Middle East is the only training center authorized in United Arab Emirates by Stratasys, a global leader in 3D printing and additive solutions and Hexagon, a global leader in 3D scanning solutions.


Solid Customer Base

We support our customers by implementing the best 3D Printing, 3D Scanning, Additive Manufacturing and Reverse Engineering technology, providing assistance, professional advice and training in the use of the proposed solutions.

We are green

Think, build and print: the 3D digital process becomes green!